Everything is much easier when the weather is nice. You are not only more motivated to do things and finish daily tasks, but it’s simply easier and more efficient. This is precisely why summer home maintenance is advised and encouraged. Throughout the sunny summer days, it’s beneficial to focus on working on your home inside and out. Use the warm weather to check things and upgrade certain elements so that you are ready for fall and winter. Therefore, without any further elaborations, continue reading for our ultimate summer home maintenance checklist.
Summer Home Maintenance
What does summer home maintenance mean? It is both preparing and maintaining your home throughout the hot summer temperatures, but it also enables you to tackle tasks that would be difficult in the cold winter days. Tackling things such as the AC, the outdoor space of your home, upgrading the interior, or even decluttering is recommended.

Cool It Down
For example, one of the first things you should check is your air-conditioning system. Sometimes, warm weather literally happens overnight. You don’t want to experience high temperatures and humidity while also realizing that your AC is not functioning properly. Hence, make sure to check your air-conditioning prior. It is advisable to clean it twice a year, however doing it once a year is also enough.
Moreover, if you want to save some money down the road, consider installing a whole-house fan. A good example of summer home maintenance and budgeting. This way you can maintain a budget throughout the year, and especially in the summer. They work efficiently, and sometimes it’s nice to have fresh air circulating in and out.
Outdoor Space
Summer is the perfect season to spend time outside. If you have a backyard, it’s always a great idea to make it an enjoyable space. Start with your deck or porch. If you haven’t cleaned it since last season, it would be a good idea to get a power washer and thoroughly clean it all. Perhaps even go over it with an all-purpose cleaner to polish it up. Then, it would be a good idea to focus on greenery.

Declutter 101
Getting rid of excess items will free up your interior space. Whether you are throwing things out, selling them via a garage sale, or thinking of placing them in storage, it will be beneficial. Start room by room, and truly evaluate what you use and what you can go without. With the nice weather, it will be simple to organize a garage sale and make a little bit of profit from your unused items. Meanwhile, there are many good reasons to find a quality storage as well. Sometimes, we don’t want to part with certain items and that is totally okay. You never know when you might need them down the road. In that case, research a good storage unit and place your items there for safekeeping.
Many always emphasize spring cleaning but sometimes work, life and our busy schedules don’t permit us to complete that on time. Therefore, you could always do spring cleaning through summer home maintenance. Give your home a thorough cleaning.

Throughout the summer, it is much easier to clean and wash your windows. With the nice weather you can clean them both inside and outside to have them looking fresh and new.
Go through every room in your house and start top to bottom. The places that probably need the most deep cleaning are the kitchen and bathrooms. Make sure to have the necessary cleaning supplies so that you can efficiently complete this task.
While you are cleaning the inside of your home, it is also a good idea to clean your grill. Get ready for summer barbecuing! Dust it off and wipe away the old residue.
Summer home maintenance is also the time to inspect crucial elements within your home. Check and test your smoke and carbon dioxide detectors. These are very important for the safety of your home and everyone living there. Therefore, ensure to check whether they are up-to-date and if not, replace them with efficient detectors right away.
Meanwhile, if you haven’t done so already, check your roof! Getting your roof inspected and checked out enables you to maintain it properly while ensuring that it is still in good shape.
Be Productive
The summer season is the time to enjoy yourself, spend time outside and have fun. Moreover, it is also about being productive and responsible. In order to be able to thoroughly enjoy the season, make sure that you efficiently plan your summer home maintenance. Have a plan in motion prior to starting the process so that you can keep yourself organized and within a solid timeline.
With our tips and examples above, you are already on the right track to complete your summer home maintenance. Depending on the space you have and what you are working with inside and outside, you can adapt your process accordingly and respectively.
A good idea is to create a checklist, similar to the one we provided you with here, and check off each task individually. Even better, gather a group of people to help you. Get your family members and friends to help out so that you can start entertaining as soon as possible. Overall, cover all the important aspects of your home, plan it out, and enjoy the summer!
Lisa Roberts has been engaged in writing blog articles for the last 7 years. Although she started off her career in the moving industry, her experience brought diversification to the content topics she covers. Today, her range of topics spans from moving across the globe to everyday lifestyle tips, marketing, real-estate news, etc. In her spare time, Lisa enjoys running, reading books and spending time with her dogs Lue and Sill. As a great lover of life, she finds something practical and useful in every experience, which contributes to her portfolio as well.