Finding clever ways to make your home more valuable is a smart strategy. You never know if you might end up selling your place, and this might just be a way to make more money off of it. Even though a lot of people spend money on making the interior look nice, it is equally important to spend your time improving the exterior of your house as well. After all, it is the first thing a buyer sees before they walk inside to check out the rest. With that in mind, let’s talk about garden features that add value to your property and help you to leave a good first impression!
Fences and gates
The entrance to your garden should be decorated nicely, but with taste. Depending on whether you have a wooden fence or a natural one, the gate may look differently. Furthermore, the entire entrance should be well lit.

If your garden gate has rustic ornaments, make sure they are easily visible. It is also important the gate does not stand out too much from the inside of the garden. Everything should fit together in a harmonious way.
Walkway through the garden
Although it does not look like it, the walkway is an essential part of every garden. If you wish to take a short walk around, it is better if you have a path to follow than to just walk on the grass.
A nice way to decorate the garden walkway is to use mosaic-like stones. Furthermore, adding lighting on the ground can create a unique effect during night time. Creating a beautiful walkway is certainly one of the home improvements that are worth investing in for the long run.
Maintaining the garden
While adding different features to make the garden more presentable, you should never forget to simply maintain your garden. Without regular maintenance, nothing will make it work.
Trimming the grass and taking care of planted flowers should be done every few days. A lush garden is worth more if it is clean and organized.
Decorating the lawn
When mowing the lawn, why not decorate it as well? If you spend 30 minutes online, you will find quick and easy ways to create patterns with the lawnmower and make your garden stand out more.
Use pots with fine details
If you are planting flowers in pots, there are many choices you can take. Even though most people go with usual plastic containers since it’s the cheapest option, if your goal is to add value to your property by decorating the garden, you should consider a different approach.

Look for beautiful stone pots with fine details. Stone goes well with greenery, and it can create a unique effect.
Furthermore, finding the best place to put the pots is also important. One of the examples is to put pots along the walkway.
Hanging pots
Besides having the usual ground pots in the garden, you can also make hanging pots. Elevated plants add depth and a whole other look to the entire place. By using macrame knots, you can create hanging holders for pots that will attract anyone’s attention.
Adding a toolshed
One of the garden features that add value to your property is a toolshed. First of all, having wooden elements in the garden feels almost natural, even if they are built. A toolshed is a common sight in many gardens, and there should be one in yours as well.
Not only that a toolshed can be a beautiful piece of carpentry that will add to the overall look of the garden, but it is also very useful. Anyone who works plants and gardens knows that there is a large number of tools you have to use. Storing those tools in the house can turn quite messy. Furthermore, you can spend a lot of time constantly going in and out of the house to get what you need.
A toolshed is a perfect place to store all of your garden tools you are using. This is especially important if you have an electric lawnmower or a leafblower. The same applies to any sharp tool.
Adding garden rooms
Garden rooms are also very useful. However, unlike toolsheds, you can also use them to relax and work on your plants.
You can either build a sunroom or a greenhouse to grow plants or simply make a nice outdoor kitchen with a dining table.
Gardens are very useful to throw Sunday parties or a barbeque perhaps. Having friends over will feel more comfortable if you can all sit outside and enjoy the night air.

If you look at the current COVID-19 situation, people who have garden rooms are not bound to sitting in the house all day long.
It is only natural that, by having beautiful and efficient garden rooms, your property will be worth a lot more.
Moving your garden to a new place
Having a beautiful garden is probably something that will raise the value of your property. However, if you create an emotional attachment with it, you might not want to let it go when selling the house.
If you decide to take the garden with you to the new place, can take care of that quickly and efficiently.
Garden features that add value to your property – delivered!
I hope that you have enjoyed reading about garden features that add value to your property as much as I enjoyed writing about it. Making these small changes can make a huge difference if you decide to sell the house in the future. Even if that is not your goal, having a gorgeous garden will allow you to have a beautiful place to spend some time outside of the house!
Lisa Roberts has been engaged in writing blog articles for the last 7 years. Although she started off her career in the moving industry, her experience brought diversification to the content topics she covers. Today, her range of topics spans from moving across the globe to everyday lifestyle tips, marketing, real-estate news, etc. In her spare time, Lisa enjoys running, reading books and spending time with her dogs Lue and Sill. As a great lover of life, she finds something practical and useful in every experience, which contributes to her portfolio as well.